Science, Technology & Human Values (Biblioteca Ubalab)

Mais dois recém-chegados à biblioteca Ubalab: as duas edições mais recentes do periódico "Science, Technology & Human Values" editado pela Sociedade de Estudos Sociais da Ciência (4S, na abreviação em inglês). As duas estão disponíveis online, mas quem prefere consultar as versões impressas pode passar na biblioteca, que fica no Ninho.

Volume 41, Número 5

  • The Vulnerability of Cyborgs: The Case of ICD Shocks
  • Bioinformatics and the Politics of Innovation in the Life Sciences: Science and the State in the United Kingdom, China, and India
  • Urks and the Urban Subsurface as Geosocial Formation
  • Toxic Lunch in Bhopal and Chemical Publics
  • Toward a Sustainable Future Earth: Challenges for a Research Agenda
  • Ignoring Complexity: Epistemic Wagers and Knowledge Practices among Synthetic Biologists
  • Variants of Epistemic Capitalism: Knowledge Production and the Accumulation of Worth in Commercial Biotechnology and the Academic Life Sciences

Volume 41, Número 6

Edição especial: Resisting Power, Retooling Justice: Promises of Feminist Postcolonial Technosciences
  • Resisting Power, Retooling Justice: Promises of Feminist Postcolonial Technosciences
  • Informed Refusal: Toward a Justice-based Bioethics
  • A World of Materialisms: Postcolonial Feminist Science Studies and the New Natural
  • A Postapartheid Genome: Genetic Ancestry Testing and Belonging in South Africa
  • Identifying Democracy: Citizenship, DNA, and Identity in Postdictatorship Argentina
  • Latin American Decolonial Social Studies of Scientific Knowledge: Alliances and Tensions
  • Corporate Capitalism and the Growing Power of Big Data: Review Essay